How To Install Cgi Proxy Free

How to install and configure Squid proxy server on Linux A proxy server can help you take control of how users reach the internet. Here's the step-by-step process of installing and configuring Squid.

Perhaps useful for a quick game of Quake, this proxy program isn't robust enough (or perhaps secure enough) to invite the whole neighborhood over. FreeProxy creates a virtual server that allows a number of users to share an Internet connection.

If you've never managed a proxy before, this program might not be the best place to start -there's no help file, and it's not the most intuitive process. While you can add IP addresses and user names to the proxy, you also can block addresses as well.

How To Install Cgi Proxy Free

How To Install Cgi Proxy Free. It allows you to surf Internet anonymously with the support of a network of hundreds of dynamic mirror sites. It helps millions of users in countries like China and Iran, where there is heavy censorship on the online content, to access Internet freely. IIS Proxy is a combination of a special ISAPI filter and VBScript ASP code with similar functionality as CGI Proxy. The script allows you to create a special http proxy server and process in/out http data.

FreeProxy also is able to track connections, and record them on a log file. Yet we were surprised (and a bit alarmed) to find there's no password protection or other security feature for people joining the group. Overall, FreeProxy's good for a small party, but it's not for beginners.

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Active6 years, 1 month ago

I'm trying to install CGIProxy on Ubuntu.

Basically it's a single 'nph-proxy.cgi' file which I placed in my /var/www folder.It's supposed to display a simple GUI form where a user can enter a URL and access the website behind a firewall.

I used this command from the instructions:

./nph-proxy.cgi install-modules

Nothing seems to happen and when I navigate in my browser to the ip address with the 'nph-proxy.cgi', all I see are a whole page of code whereas instead I should see a GUI form.

I'm still new to linux and modules and any help is greatly appreciated.


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2 Answers

Have you set executable permission on the script? If not, do chmod 755 nph-proxy.cgi.

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James MarshallJames Marshall

Actually I found the answer to this problem, basically you have to not only have Perl installed on ubuntu but also enable it to run cgi scripts. Take a look at this article, it explains to how to get apache to run cgi scripts. Just remember, you have to explicitly tell apache to allow cgi scripts to run, it's not automatic.


Cgi Proxy Server

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