Install Nagios Agent On Windows

NRPE_NT appears to work straight out of the box if you have a running Linux Nagios installation – the NRPE service works just like the linux version. I tried NSClient++ and found it a pain in the arse to setup now to write some plugins in “C” to pull back the stuff I really want. How to Install Nagios 4.0.1 on RHEL/CentOS 6.x/5.x and Fedora 19/18/17; Add Linux Host to Nagios Monitoring Server; To monitor Windows Machines you will need to follow several steps and they are: Install NSClient++ addon on the Windows Machine. Configure Nagios.

In the previous article, i have guide you on how to install Nagios Core, mainly for network and services monitoring. In this post, i will guide you on how to install Nagios NRPE. Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) is a Nagios agent that allows to remotely execute Nagios plugins on other Linux/Unix machines. NRPE can also communicate with Windows agent addons like NSClient++. It allows for monitoring resources such as disk usage, CPU load, etc. Please follow the following steps to install Nagios NRPE on your Nagios server.

InstallerNagios core for windows

How to Install Nagios on CentOS 5.5

1. Install the Nagios NRPE and Nagios-devel. For your information, Nagios-devel is a header files, libraries and development documentation for nagios.

2. Set nrpe to start at boot and start nrpe

Nagios Windows Server

3. Update the /etc/services. At the following line at the bottom of the page.

Installing Zabbix Agent On Windows

4. Test NRPE daemon install