Suspension Of The Early Career Transition Program

Early career transition program navy

Early Career Transition Program (ECTP) Frequently Asked Questions (by 20th SRG)

Suspension of the early career transition program - navycs. the voluntary early career transition program (ectp) and its provisions are. Point of contact is the npc customer service center at 1-866-u-ask-npc (1.

Early Career Transition Program (ECTP)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the basic requirements to be eligible for ECTP?

A: Sailors must:

Have completed at least 24 months and a maximum of 16 years of active service at time of transition.

Meet minimum physical standards and be medically qualified (fit for duty)

Reenlistment eligible (Active Component or SELRES PTS approval is not required; Sailors must have a minimum “Promotable” recommendation on last two evals and be recommended for retention.)

Currently serving in an Active Component or FTS CREO 2 or 3 rating and requesting to serve in a Selected Reserve CREO 1 or 2 rating (latest CREO listings posted here )

Q: Is everyone eligible for the ECTP?

A: No. The following Sailors are not eligible:

in Nuclear Ratings

with existing Permanent Change of Station orders

identified to fill a GWOT/OCO support assignment

in the National Call to Service program

in the SEAL/SWCC/EOD/DIVER programs

serving in a rating and/or holding a NEC listed in any Enlistment Bonus, Selective Reenlistment Bonus, or similar special and incentive pay program in effect at any time within the fiscal year of the request.

assigned to a Department of Defense area tour and have not completed the DoD tour requirement, including overseas tour extension incentive program extensions for which a benefit has been received.

Undesignated Sailors

Q: When can I apply for ECTP?

A: Eligible Sailors can request transition up to 15 months prior, but no later than three months prior to their desired transition date. The desired transition date could be at any time prior to expiration of active obligated service (EAOS) as extended (provided other eligibility requirements are met). For example, a Sailor’s EAOS is 2 years and 6 months away and he/she desires to transition to the SELRES 6 months from now. He/she is eligible to apply for ECTP even though his/her transition will be 2 years prior to EAOS. In this example, the Sailor’s SELRES drilling obligation would be 2 years (if remaining in rate). This differs from the Early Transition Program (ETP), which limits transition time within 12 months of EAOS.

Q: Who do I need to contact for help on filling out the proper paperwork?

A: Your Command Career Counselor can assist you with submitting your request to PERS-83. If approved, contact the Career Transition Office (CTO) at (901)874-4108 or , who will assist you in selecting a Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC), provide details on reserve component programs/benefits, and assist you in completing all required paperwork.

Q: If a CO turns a sailor down, is there any appeal that can be done or is the skipper's word the final answer?

A: The program requires that the command favorably endorse the request. If the CO does not support it, it would not be considered.

Q: Why should I consider going into the Selected Reserves?

A: Benefits of reserve affiliation can include a two-year deferment from individual mobilization, possible affiliation bonus, TRICARE low cost medical and dental coverage, possible reserve retirement benefits, continued exchange and commissary privileges, possible flexible drill opportunities and Montgomery GI Bill benefits. All this in addition to the monthly pay check associated with drill pay.

Q: How much time do I owe the SELRES if I choose the ECTP?

A: Sailors approved for separation under the ECTP will incur a mandatory drilling reserve obligation equal to the remaining active portion of their current contract. The minimum obligation will be for one year if remaining in rate and four years if converting.

Q: Is it possible that I could get a new “A” school or will the conversions be all OJT? How will that retraining be handled?

A: Conversions that require “A” school will be considered and may be approved as part of the transition approval (depending upon rating and pay grade of conversion), but the school would be completed after transition from AC. Conversions into the SELRES would be processed under the Prior Service Reenlistment Eligibility – Reserve (PRISE-R) program, MILPERSMAN 1133-061.

Q: I’m eligible for the full Post 9/11 GI Bill. What about MGIB-SR (SELRES)?

A: You keep your Post 9/11 GI bill after transitioning to the Navy Reserve. MGIB-SR requires a six year drilling obligation. If you're eligible under more than one VA education program, you may receive a maximum of 48 months of benefits. Therefore, you would have to reenlist for six years with the Navy Reserve to receive only 12 months of MGIB-SR benefits (since you already have 36 months with Post 9/11 GI bill).

Q: Do SELRES receive Tuition Assistance?

A: Per, enlisted Navy Reservists may only receive tuition assistance if on continuous active duty for at least 120 days. Other restrictions apply.

Enlisted Early Transition Program Extended (#2 Navy Career Wise Coverage on ETP)

Navy Briefing Card

Enlisted Early Transition Program - Extended

April 18, 2011

Background: Due to the Navy’s unprecedented retention and successful recruitment, Sailors are being offered a voluntary early separation option. The Enlisted Early Transition Program (EETP), originally established in NAVADMIN 369/08 extended to September 2011 in NAVADMIN 025/10, has been extended again to September 30, 2013 as detailed in NAVADMIN XXX/11.

Talking Points:

● Enlisted Early Transition Program allows eligible Sailors to apply for a voluntary early separation up to 24 months prior to their End of Obligated Service as Extended. All separations must be effective no later than September 15, 2013.

● Commanding officers will maintain final disapproval authority and do not need to forward requests they cannot support. Final approval authority rests with Navy Personnel Command, PERS 832, with positive CO endorsement.

● The Montgomery GI Bill, Post 9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008, and veterans benefits will remain in place for qualified Sailors separating under the EETP. For specifics refer to the NAVADMIN.

● While transition services are available to all separating Sailors, there is no separation incentive offered in conjunction with the early release (voluntary or involuntary).

● Monetary transition benefits are not paid to those separating under EETP.

● Sailors should be aware that those who voluntarily separate under the Enlisted Early Transition Program will be subject to recoupment of bonus or special pays if they have not fulfilled the term of service for which they were already paid.

● Early Separation requests will not be approved for the following Sailors:

○ In a Nuclear Rating

○ In receipt of Permanent Change of Station orders

○ Identified to fill or currently serving in a GWOT/OCO support or Individual Augmentee assignment whose rotation date would be affected

○ In the National Call to Service program

○ In the SEAL/SWCC/EOD/Diver programs

Early transition program navy

○ Serving in a rating and/or holding an NEC listed in any EB, SRB, or similar special and incentive pay program in effect at any time within the fiscal year of the request or separation

○ Assigned to DoD area tour and have not completed the DoD tour requirement, including overseas tour extension incentive programs for which a benefit has been received

○ Who are retirement eligible

● Early Enlisted Transition Program (EETP) is a separate program from the Early Career Transition Program (ECTP – NAVADMIN 088/11). EETP involves requesting separation from the Navy up to 24 months from EAOS as extended while ECPT involves transitioning to the SELRES to complete their service requirement.

Source/Coord: NPC (Stuewe)

PA Lead: NPC

Enlisted Early Transition Program