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Oil painting depicting Claude Bernard, the father of modern physiology, with his pupils

Physiology (/ˌfɪziˈɒləi/; from Ancient Greekφύσις (physis), meaning 'nature, origin', and -λογία (-logia), meaning 'study of'[1]) is the scientific study of the functions and mechanisms which work within a living system.[2][3]

Plant Physiology: Past, Present, and Future The 75th anniversary of Plant Physiology comes at a very exciting time in the history of plant biology. We are currently experiencing an unprecedented acceler-ation in the pace of scientific progress (as our Soci-ety’s recent publication of the 1,400-page textbook.

As a sub-discipline of biology, the focus of physiology is on how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions that exist in a living system.[4]

Central to an understanding of physiological functioning is the investigation of the fundamental biophysical and biochemical phenomena, the coordinated homeostatic control mechanisms, and the continuous communication between cells.[5]

The physiologic state is the condition occurring from normal body function, while the pathological state is centered on the abnormalities that occur in animal diseases, including humans.[6]

According to the type of investigated organisms, the field can be divided into, animal physiology (including that of humans), plant physiology, cellular physiology and microbial physiology.[4]

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to those who make significant achievements in this discipline by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

  • 1Foundations of physiology
    • 1.1Animals
  • 2History
  • 3Notable physiologists

Foundations of physiology[edit]



Human physiology seeks to understand the mechanisms that work to keep the human body alive and functioning,[4] through scientific enquiry into the nature of mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of humans, their organs, and the cells of which they are composed. The principal level of focus of physiology is at the level of organs and systems within systems. The endocrine and nervous systems play major roles in the reception and transmission of signals that integrate function in animals. Homeostasis is a major aspect with regard to such interactions within plants as well as animals. The biological basis of the study of physiology, integration refers to the overlap of many functions of the systems of the human body, as well as its accompanied form. It is achieved through communication that occurs in a variety of ways, both electrical and chemical.[7]

Changes in physiology can impact the mental functions of individuals. Examples of this would be the effects of certain medications or toxic levels of substances.[8] Change in behavior as a result of these substances is often used to assess the health of individuals.[9][10]

Much of the foundation of knowledge in human physiology was provided by animal experimentation. Due to the frequent connection between form and function, physiology and anatomy are intrinsically linked and are studied in tandem as part of a medical curriculum.[11]


Plant physiology is a subdiscipline of botany concerned with the functioning of plants. Closely related fields include plant morphology, plant ecology, phytochemistry, cell biology, genetics, biophysics, and molecular biology. Fundamental processes of plant physiology include photosynthesis, respiration, plant nutrition, tropisms, nastic movements, photoperiodism, photomorphogenesis, circadian rhythms, seed germination, dormancy, and stomata function and transpiration. Absorption of water by roots, production of food in the leaves, and growth of shoots towards light are examples of plant physiology.[12]


Although there are differences between animal, plant, and microbial cells, the basic physiological functions of cells can be divided into the processes of cell division, cell signaling, cell growth, and cell metabolism.


Microorganisms can be found almost everywhere on Earth.[13] Types of microorganisms include archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, protists, fungi, and micro-plants. Microbes are important in human culture and health in many ways, serving to ferment foods, treat sewage, produce fuel, enzymes and other bioactive compounds. They are essential tools in biology as model organisms and have been put to use in biological warfare and bioterrorism. They are a vital component of fertile soils. In the human body microorganisms make up the human microbiota including the essential gut flora. They are the pathogens responsible for many infectious diseases and as such are the target of hygiene measures. Most microorganisms can reproduce rapidly, and bacteria are also able to freely exchange genes through conjugation, transformation and transduction, even between widely divergent species.



Plant Physiology And Development 6th Pdf

The classical era[edit]

The study of human physiology as a medical field originates in classical Greece, at the time of Hippocrates (late 5th century BC).[14] Outside of Western tradition, early forms of physiology or anatomy can be reconstructed as having been present at around the same time in China,[15] India[16] and elsewhere.Hippocrates incorporated his belief system called the theory of humours, which consisted of four basic substance: earth, water, air and fire. Each substance is known for having a corresponding humour: black bile, phlegm, blood and yellow bile, respectively. Hippocrates also noted some emotional connections to the four humours, which Claudius Galenus would later expand on. The critical thinking of Aristotle and his emphasis on the relationship between structure and function marked the beginning of physiology in Ancient Greece. Like Hippocrates, Aristotle took to the humoral theory of disease, which also consisted of four primary qualities in life: hot, cold, wet and dry.[17] Claudius Galenus (c. 130–200 AD), known as Galen of Pergamum, was the first to use experiments to probe the functions of the body. Unlike Hippocrates, Galen argued that humoral imbalances can be located in specific organs, including the entire body.[18] His modification of this theory better equipped doctors to make more precise diagnoses. Galen also played off of Hippocrates idea that emotions were also tied to the humours, and added the notion of temperaments: sanguine corresponds with blood; phlegmatic is tied to phlegm; yellow bile is connected to choleric; and black bile corresponds with melancholy. Galen also saw the human body consisting of three connected systems: the brain and nerves, which are responsible for thoughts and sensations; the heart and arteries, which give life; and the liver and veins, which can be attributed to nutrition and growth.[18] Galen was also the founder of experimental physiology.[19] And for the next 1,400 years, Galenic physiology was a powerful and influential tool in medicine.[18]

Early modern period[edit]

Jean Fernel (1497–1558), a French physician, introduced the term 'physiology'.[20] Galen, Ibn al-Nafis, Michael Servetus, Realdo Colombo, Amato Lusitano and William Harvey, are credited as making important discoveries in the circulation of the blood.[21]Santorio Santorio in 1610s was the first to use a device to measure the pulse rate (the pulsilogium), and a thermoscope to measure temperature.[22]

In 1791 Luigi Galvani described the role of electricity in nerves of dissected frogs. In 1811, César Julien Jean Legallois studied respiration in animal dissection and lesions and found the center of respiration in the medulla oblongata. In the same year, Charles Bell finished work on what would later become known as the Bell-Magendie law, which compared functional differences between dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal cord. In 1824, François Magendie described the sensory roots and produced the first evidence of the cerebellum's role in equilibration to complete the Bell-Magendie law.

In the 1820s, the French physiologist Henri Milne-Edwards introduced the notion of physiological division of labor, which allowed to 'compare and study living things as if they were machines created by the industry of man.' Inspired in the work of Adam Smith, Milne-Edwards wrote that the 'body of all living beings, whether animal or plant, resembles a factory ... where the organs, comparable to workers, work incessantly to produce the phenomena that constitute the life of the individual.' In more differentiated organisms, the functional labor could be apportioned between different instruments or systems (called by him as appareils).[23]

In 1858, Joseph Lister studied the cause of blood coagulation and inflammation that resulted after previous injuries and surgical wounds. He later discovered and implemented antiseptics in the operating room, and as a result decreased death rate from surgery by a substantial amount.[6][24]

The Physiological Society was founded in London in 1876 as a dining club.[25]The American Physiological Society (APS) is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1887. The Society is, 'devoted to fostering education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the physiological sciences.'[26]

In 1891, Ivan Pavlov performed research on 'conditional responses' that involved dogs' saliva production in response to a bell and visual stimuli.[24]

In the 19th century, physiological knowledge began to accumulate at a rapid rate, in particular with the 1838 appearance of the Cell theory of Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. It radically stated that organisms are made up of units called cells. Claude Bernard's (1813–1878) further discoveries ultimately led to his concept of milieu interieur (internal environment),[27][28] which would later be taken up and championed as 'homeostasis' by American physiologist Walter B. Cannon in 1929. By homeostasis, Cannon meant 'the maintenance of steady states in the body and the physiological processes through which they are regulated.'[29] In other words, the body's ability to regulate its internal environment. William Beaumont was the first American to utilize the practical application of physiology.

Nineteenth century physiologists such as Michael Foster, Max Verworn, and Alfred Binet, based on Haeckel's ideas, elaborated what came to be called 'general physiology', a unified science of life based on the cell actions,[23] later renamed in the 20th century as cell biology.[30]

Late modern period[edit]

In the 20th century, biologists became interested in how organisms other than human beings function, eventually spawning the fields of comparative physiology and ecophysiology.[31] Major figures in these fields include Knut Schmidt-Nielsen and George Bartholomew. Most recently, evolutionary physiology has become a distinct subdiscipline.[32]

In 1920, August Krogh won the Nobel Prize for discovering how, in capillaries, blood flow is regulated.[24]

In 1954, Andrew Huxley and Hugh Huxley, alongside their research team, discovered the sliding filaments in skeletal muscle, known today as the sliding filament theory.[24]

Recently, there have been intense debates about the vitality of physiology as a discipline (Is it dead or alive?).[33][34] If physiology is perhaps less visible nowadays than during the golden age of the 19th century,[35] it is in large part because the field has given birth to some of the most active domains of today's biological sciences, such as neuroscience, endocrinology, and immunology.[36] Furthermore, physiology is still often seen as an integrative discipline, which can put together into a coherent framework data coming from various different domains.[37][38][34]

Notable physiologists[edit]

Women in physiology[edit]

Initially, women were largely excluded from official involvement in any physiological society. The American Physiological Society, for example, was founded in 1887 and included only men in its ranks.[39] In 1902, the American Physiological Society elected Ida Hyde as the first female member of the society.[40] Hyde, a representative of the American Association of University Women and a global advocate for gender equality in education,[41] attempted to promote gender equality in every aspect of science and medicine.

Soon thereafter, in 1913, J.S. Haldane proposed that women be allowed to formally join The Physiological Society, which had been founded in 1876.[42] On 3 July 1915, six women were officially admitted: Florence Buchanan, Winifred Cullis, Ruth C. Skelton, Sarah C. M. Sowton, Constance Leetham Terry, and Enid M. Tribe.[43] The centenary of the election of women was celebrated in 2015 with the publication of the book 'Women Physiologists: Centenary Celebrations And Beyond For The Physiological Society.' (ISBN978-0-9933410-0-7)

Prominent women physiologists include:

  • Gerty Cori,[44] along with husband Carl Cori, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1947 for their discovery of the phosphate-containing form of glucose known as glycogen, as well as its function within eukaryoticmetabolic mechanisms for energy production. Moreover, they discovered the Cori cycle, also known as the Lactic acid cycle,[45] which describes how muscle tissue converts glycogen into lactic acid via lactic acid fermentation.
  • Barbara McClintock was rewarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of genetic transposition McClintock is the only female recipient who has won an unshared Nobel Prize.[46]
  • Gertrude Elion,[47] along with George Hitchings and Sir James Black, received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1988 for their development of drugs employed in the treatment of several major diseases, such as leukemia, some autoimmune disorders, gout, malaria, and viral herpes.
  • Linda B. Buck,[48] along with Richard Axel, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2004 for their discovery of odorant receptors and the complex organization of the olfactory system.
  • Françoise Barré-Sinoussi,[49] along with Luc Montagnier, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008 for their work on the identification of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the cause of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
  • Elizabeth Blackburn,[50] along with Carol W. Greider[51] and Jack W. Szostak, was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the genetic composition and function of telomeres and the enzyme called telomerase.


There are many ways to categorize the subdiscplines of physiology:[52]

  • based on the taxa studied: human physiology, animal physiology, plant physiology, microbial physiology, viral physiology
  • based on the level of organization: cell physiology, molecular physiology, systems physiology, organismal physiology, ecological physiology, integrative physiology
  • based on the process that causes physiological variation: developmental physiology, environmental physiology, evolutionary physiology
  • based on the ultimate goals of the research: applied physiology (e.g., medical physiology), non-applied (e.g., comparative physiology)

Physiological societies[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^'physiology'. Online Etymology Dictionary.
  2. ^ 'What is physiology? — Faculty of Biology'. Retrieved 2018-07-07.
  3. ^Prosser, C. Ladd (1991). Comparative Animal Physiology, Environmental and Metabolic Animal Physiology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Liss. pp. 1–12. ISBN978-0-471-85767-9.
  4. ^ abcHall, John (2011). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology (12th ed.). Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders/Elsevier. p. 3. ISBN978-1-4160-4574-8.
  5. ^Widmaier, Eric P.; Raff, Hershel; Strang, Kevin T. (2016). Vander's Human Physiology The Mechanisms of Body Function. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. pp. 14–15. ISBN978-1-259-29409-9.
  6. ^ ab'What is physiology?'. Medical News Today.
  7. ^Pereda, AE (April 2014). 'Electrical synapses and their functional interactions with chemical synapses'. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience. 15 (4): 250–63. doi:10.1038/nrn3708. PMC4091911. PMID24619342.
  8. ^'Mental disorders'. World Health Organization. WHO. Retrieved 15 April 2017.
  9. ^'Eszopiclone'(PDF). F.A. Davis. 2017. Retrieved April 15, 2017.
  10. ^'Zolpidem'(PDF). F.A. Davis. Retrieved April 15, 2017.
  11. ^Bergman, Esther M; de Bruin, Anique BH; Herrler, Andreas; Verheijen, Inge WH; Scherpbier, Albert JJA; van der Vleuten, Cees PM (19 November 2013). 'Students' perceptions of anatomy across the undergraduate problem-based learning medical curriculum: a phenomenographical study'. BMC Medical Education. 13: 152. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-13-152. PMC4225514. PMID24252155. Together with physiology and biochemistry, anatomy is one of the basic sciences that are to be taught in the medical curriculum.
  12. ^'PLANT PHYSIOLOGY'. Basic Biology. Retrieved 16 January 2019.External link in |website= (help)
  13. ^Zyga, Lisa. 'We are living in a bacterial world, and it's impacting us more than previously thought'. Science X. Retrieved 16 January 2019.
  14. ^'Physiology'. Science Clarified. Advameg, Inc. Retrieved 2010-08-29.
  15. ^Helaine Selin, Medicine Across Cultures: History and Practice of Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2003), p. 53.
  16. ^D. P. Burma; Maharani Chakravorty. From Physiology and Chemistry to Biochemistry. Pearson Education. p. 8.
  17. ^'Early Medicine and Physiology'.
  18. ^ abc'Galen of Pergamum'. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  19. ^Fell, C.; Pearson, F. (November 2007). 'Historical Perspectives of Thoracic Anatomy'. Thoracic Surgery Clinics. 17 (4): 443–8. doi:10.1016/j.thorsurg.2006.12.001. PMID18271159.
  20. ^Wilbur Applebaum (2000). Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution: From Copernicus to Newton. Routledge. p. 344.
  21. ^Rampling, M. W. (2016). 'The history of the theory of the circulation of the blood'. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation. 64 (4): 541–549. doi:10.3233/CH-168031. ISSN1875-8622. PMID27791994.
  22. ^'Santorio Santorio (1561-1636): Medicina statica'. Vaulted Treasures. University of Virginia, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library.
  23. ^ abR. M. Brain. The Pulse of Modernism: Physiological Aesthetics in Fin-de-Siècle Europe. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015. 384 pp., [1].
  24. ^ abcd'Milestones in Physiology (1822-2013)'(PDF). 1 October 2013. Retrieved 2015-07-25.
  25. ^'The Society's history | Physiological Society'. Retrieved 2017-02-21.
  26. ^'American Physiological Society > About'. Retrieved 2017-02-21.
  27. ^Bernard, Claude (1865). An Introduction to the Study of Ex- perimental Medicine. New York: Dover Publications (published 1957).
  28. ^Bernard, Claude (1878). Lectures on the Phenomena of Life Common to Animals and Plants. Springfield: Thomas (published 1974).
  29. ^Brown Theodore M.; Fee Elizabeth (October 2002). 'Walter Bradford Cannon: Pioneer Physiologist of Human Emotions'. American Journal of Public Health. 92 (10): 1594–1595. doi:10.2105/ajph.92.10.1594. PMC1447286.
  30. ^Heilbron, J. L. (2003). The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science, Oxford University Press, p. 649, link.
  31. ^Feder, ME; Bennett, AF; WW, Burggren; Huey, RB (1987). New directions in ecological physiology. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-34938-3.
  32. ^Garland, Jr, Theodore; Carter, P. A. (1994). 'Evolutionary physiology'(PDF). Annual Review of Physiology. 56 (1): 579–621. doi:10.1146/ PMID8010752.
  33. ^Pinter, G. G.; Pinter, V. (1993). 'Is Physiology a Dying Discipline?'. Physiology. 8 (2): 94–95. doi:10.1152/physiologyonline.1993.8.2.94.
  34. ^ abLemoine, Maël; Pradeu, Thomas (2018-07-01). 'Dissecting the Meanings of 'Physiology' to Assess the Vitality of the Discipline'. Physiology. 33 (4): 236–245. doi:10.1152/physiol.00015.2018. ISSN1548-9221. PMID29873600.
  35. ^Kremer, Richard L. (2009). 'Physiology'. In Bowler & Pickstone (ed.). The Cambridge History of the Modern Biological and Earth Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 342–366. doi:10.1017/CHOL9780521572019.019. ISBN9781139056007.
  36. ^Noble, Denis (2013). 'More on Physiology Without Borders'. Physiology. 28 (1): 2–3. doi:10.1152/physiol.00044.2012. ISSN1548-9213. PMID23280350.
  37. ^Neill, Jimmy D.; Benos, Dale J. (1993). 'Relationship of Molecular Biology to Integrative Physiology'. Physiology. 8 (5): 233–235. doi:10.1152/physiologyonline.1993.8.5.233.
  38. ^Noble, Denis (2002-03-01). 'Modeling the Heart--from Genes to Cells to the Whole Organ'. Science. 295 (5560): 1678–1682. Bibcode:2002Sci...295.1678N. doi:10.1126/science.1069881. ISSN0036-8075. PMID11872832.
  39. ^'American Physiological Society > Founders'. The American Physiological Society.
  40. ^Tucker, GS (December 1981). 'Ida Henrietta Hyde: the first woman member of the society'(PDF). The Physiologist. 24 (6): 1–9. PMID7043502.
  41. ^'Ida Henrietta Hyde'.
  42. ^'Women in Physiology | Physiological Society'. Retrieved 2018-01-11.
  43. ^'Women in Physiology'.
  44. ^'Carl Cori and Gerty Cori'. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  45. ^'Cori cycle'.
  46. ^'Facts on the Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine'. Nobel Media AB. Retrieved 2016-09-23.
  47. ^'Gertrude B. Elion'. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  48. ^'The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004'.
  49. ^'Francoise Barre-Sinoussi - biography - French virologist'. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  50. ^'Elizabeth H. Blackburn'. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  51. ^'Carol W. Greider'. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  52. ^Moyes, C.D., Schulte, P.M. Principles of Animal Physiology, second edition. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. Boston, MA, 2008.

External links[edit]

Look up physiology in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Wikisource has original works on the topic: Physiology
  • public information site sponsored by The American Physiological Society


Human physiology

  • Widmaier, E.P., Raff, H., Strang, K.T. Vander's Human Physiology. 11th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  • Marieb, E.N. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. 10th Edition, Benjamin Cummings, 2012.

Animal physiology

  • Hill, R.W., Wyse, G.A., Anderson, M. Animal Physiology, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, 2012.
  • Moyes, C.D., Schulte, P.M. Principles of Animal Physiology, second edition. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. Boston, MA, 2008.
  • Randall, D., Burggren, W., and French, K. Eckert Animal Physiology: Mechanism and Adaptation, 5th Edition. W.H. Freeman and Company, 2002.
  • Schmidt-Nielsen, K.Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Withers, P.C. Comparative animal physiology. Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1992.

Plant physiology

  • Larcher, W. Physiological plant ecology (4th ed.). Springer, 2001.
  • Salisbury, F.B, Ross, C.W. Plant physiology. Brooks/Cole Pub Co., 1992
  • Taiz, L., Zieger, E. Plant Physiology (5th ed.), Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer, 2010.

Fungal physiology

  • Griffin, D.H. Fungal Physiology, Second Edition. Wiley-Liss, New York, 1994.

Protistan physiology

  • Levandowsky, M. Physiological Adaptations of Protists. In: Cell physiology sourcebook: essentials of membrane biophysics. Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier/AP, 2012.
  • Levandowski, M., Hutner, S.H. (eds). Biochemistry and physiology of protozoa. Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Academic Press: New York, NY, 1979; 2nd ed.
  • Laybourn-Parry J. A Functional Biology of Free-Living Protozoa. Berkeley, California: University of California Press; 1984.

Algal physiology

  • Lobban, C.S., Harrison, P.J. Seaweed ecology and physiology. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Stewart, W. D. P. (ed.). Algal Physiology and Biochemistry. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1974.

Bacterial physiology

  • El-Sharoud, W. (ed.). Bacterial Physiology: A Molecular Approach. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2008.
  • Kim, B.H., Gadd, M.G. Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism. Cambridge, 2008.
  • Moat, A.G., Foster, J.W., Spector, M.P. Microbial Physiology, 4th ed. Wiley-Liss, Inc. New York, NY, 2002.
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Throughout its twenty-two year history, the authors of Plant Physiology have continually updated the book to incorporate the latest advances in plant biology and implement pedagogical improvements requested by adopters. This has made Plant Physiology the most authoritative, comprehensive, and widely used upper-division plant biology textbook. In the Sixth Edition, the Growth and Development section (Unit III) has been reorganized and expanded to present the complete life cycle of seed plants from germination to senescence. In recognition of this enhancement, the text has been renamed Plant Physiology and Development. As before, Unit III begins with updated chapters on Cell Walls and Signals and Signal Transduction. The latter chapter has been expanded to include a discussion of major signaling molecules, such as calcium ions and plant hormones. A new, unified chapter entitled Signals from Sunlight has replaced the two Fifth-Edition chapters on Phytochrome and Blue Light Responses. This chapter includes phytochrome, as well as the blue and UV light receptors and their signaling pathways, including phototropins, cryptochromes, and UVR8. The subsequent chapters in Unit III are devoted to describing the stages of development from embryogenesis to senescence and the many physiological and environmental factors that regulate them. The result provides students with an improved understanding of the integration of hormones and other signaling agents in developmental regulation.

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Serotonin and Melatonin: Their Functional Role in Plants, Food, Phytomedicine, and Human Health highlights the significance of the plant sources of serotonin and melatonin in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and food science. Over the last few decades, an enormous amount of research data has been generated on these two neurotransmitters/plant signalers. This book covers topics regarding the occurrence of serotonin and melatonin in medicinal plants and food value plants with their implications for human health, the role of serotonin and melatonin in plant growth development, functions of melatonin and serotonin in the environmental adaptation of plants, and the implications of these molecules in human disorders and treatments. This volume should appeal to scientists and other professionals engaged in basic and applied research on the relevance of serotonin and melatonin to plants, animals, and humans. Features Reviews the global scientific literature and the experimental data of the authors on the occurrence of serotonin and melatonin in medicinal and food value plants and its implications for human health Explains in detail the role of serotonin and melatonin in plant growth development Helps in understanding the complex functions of melatonin and serotonin in the environmental adaptation in plants Discusses the importance of the development of transgenic plants with high amounts of serotonin and melatonin. Describes the current understanding of serotonin and melatonin in human disorders, and also their relevance in the treatment of specific health conditions. Written by acknowledged experts from across the world

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The Edwards Aquifer in south-central Texas is the primary source of water for one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, San Antonio, and it also supplies irrigation water to thousands of farmers and livestock operators. It is also the source water for several springs and rivers, including the two largest freshwater springs in Texas that form the San Marcos and Comal Rivers. The unique habitat afforded by these spring-fed rivers has led to the development of species that are found in no other locations on Earth. Due to the potential for variations in spring flow caused by both human and natural causes, these species are continuously at risk and have been recognized as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). In an effort to manage the river systems and the aquifer that controls them, the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) and stakeholders have developed a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The HCP seeks to effectively manage the river-aquifer system to ensure the viability of the ESA-listed species in the face of drought, population growth, and other threats to the aquifer. This report is the third and final product of a three-phase study to provide advice to the EAA on various aspects of the HCP that will ultimately lead to improved management of the Edwards Aquifer. This final report focuses on the biological goals and objectives found in the HCP for each of the listed species.

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Sex in animals has been known for at least ten thousand years, and this knowledge was put to good use during animal domestication in the Neolithic period. In stark contrast, sex in plants wasn't discovered until the late 17th century, long after the domestication of crop plants. Even after its discovery, the 'sexual theory' continued to be hotly debated and lampooned for another 150 years, pitting the 'sexualists' against the 'asexualists.' Why was the notion of sex in plants so contentious for so long? 'Flora Unveiled' is a deep history of perceptions about plant gender and sexuality, beginning in the Ice Age and ending in the middle of the nineteenth century, with the elucidation of the complete plant life cycle. Linc and Lee Taiz show that a gender bias that plants are unisexual and female (a 'one-sex model') prevented the discovery of plant sex and delayed its acceptance long after the theory was definitively proven. The book explores the various sources of this gender bias, beginning with women's role as gatherers, crop domesticators, and the first farmers. In the myths and religions of the Bronze and Iron Ages, female deities were strongly identified with flowers, trees, and agricultural abundance, and during Middle Ages and Renaissance, this tradition was assimilated into Christianity in the person of Mary. The one-sex model of plants continued into the Early Modern Period, and experienced a resurgence during the eighteenth century Enlightenment and again in the nineteenth century Romantic movement. Not until Wilhelm Hofmeister demonstrated the universality of sex in the plant kingdom was the controversy over plant sex finally laid to rest. Although 'Flora Unveiled' focuses on the discovery of sex in plants, the history serves as a cautionary tale of how strongly and persistently cultural biases can impede the discovery and delay the acceptance of scientific advances.

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Advanced Plant Physiology Pdf

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Plant Metabolites and Regulation Under Environmental Stress presents the latest research on both primary and secondary metabolites. The book sheds light on the metabolic pathways of primary and secondary metabolites, the role of these metabolites in plants, and the environmental impact on the regulation of these metabolites. Users will find a comprehensive, practical reference that aids researchers in their understanding of the role of plant metabolites in stress tolerance. Highlights new advances in the understanding of plant metabolism Features 17 protocols and methods for analysis of important plant secondary metabolites Includes sections on environmental adaptations and plant metabolites, plant metabolites and breeding, plant microbiome and metabolites, and plant metabolism under non-stress conditions

University Botany Iii Plant Taxonomy Plant Embryology Plant Physiology

Author :S.M. Reddy
ISBN :8122415474
Genre :Angiosperms
File Size : 88.50 MB

James Buchanan Pdf

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University Botany-Iii Is A Comprehensive Text Book For Students Of 3Rd Year B.Sc Botany. The Book Is Written Strictly In Accordance With Revised Common Core Syllabus Adopted By All The Universities In Andhra Pradesh. Every Care Has Been Taken To Present The Subject In A Simple Language And In A Profusely Illustrated Manner For Better Understanding. The Book Is Divided Into Three Parts.Part A Deals With The Morphology, Taxonomy And Economic Importance Of Different Families. It Also Deals With Basic Rules Of Nomenclature And Systems Of Classifications Of Angiosperm Plants. A Brief Account Of Modern Trends In Taxonomy And Basics Of Ethanobotany Are Also Given.Part B Deals With The Reproduction And Development Of Angiosperm Plants. Microsporogenesis And Megasporogenesis And Fertilization Are Discussed In Different Chapters. Brief Description Of Development Of Endosperm And Embryo Formed Sixth Seventh Chapters Respectively. An Introduction To Palynology With Special Reference To A Few Families Is Also Given.Part C Deals With The Plant Water Relations, Mineral Nutrition, Plant Metabolism With Respect To Photosynthesis, Respiration And Nitrogen Metabolism Are Given. Growth And Development Of Angiosperm Plant With Reference To Growth Substances And Light Are Discussed. Fruit Ripening, Seed Dormacy And Germination Also Formed This Part. Plant Life In Relation To Environmental Stress Is Given In Last Part Of This Section.

Plant Physiology Development And Metabolism

Author :Satish C Bhatla
ISBN :9789811320231
Genre :Science
File Size : 76.26 MB
Format :PDF, Docs
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This book focuses on the fundamentals of plant physiology for undergraduate and graduate students. It consists of 34 chapters divided into five major units. Unit I discusses the unique mechanisms of water and ion transport, while Unit II describes the various metabolic events essential for plant development that result from plants’ ability to capture photons from sunlight, to convert inorganic forms of nutrition to organic forms and to synthesize high energy molecules, such as ATP. Light signal perception and transduction works in perfect coordination with a wide variety of plant growth regulators in regulating various plant developmental processes, and these aspects are explored in Unit III. Unit IV investigates plants’ various structural and biochemical adaptive mechanisms to enable them to survive under a wide variety of abiotic stress conditions (salt, temperature, flooding, drought), pathogen and herbivore attack (biotic interactions). Lastly, Unit V addresses the large number of secondary metabolites produced by plants that are medicinally important for mankind and their applications in biotechnology and agriculture. Each topic is supported by illustrations, tables and information boxes, and a glossary of important terms in plant physiology is provided at the end.

Advances In Plant Physiology Vol 17

Author :A. Hemantaranjan
ISBN :9789387869509
Genre :Technology & Engineering
File Size : 66.3 MB
Format :PDF, Mobi
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Buchanan Pdf

The conception of Volume 17 of the International Treatise Series on Advances in Plant Physiology has been made possible entirely due to worthy contributions from World Scientists, teachers and researchers of eminence in unequivocal fields. Scientists are well in search of specific and complete literature pertaining to meaningful research for the holistic development of agriculture. The undertaking of this Treatise Series on Plant Physiology is to genuinely categorize the insufficiencies in view of mounting consequential researches for increasing productivity, prosperity and sustainability of agriculture through influential and developing technologies for restructuring metabolic limitations most responsive to abiotic stress factors. Certainly, our idea is to recognize innovative science of value across the broad disciplinary range of the treatise. The aim is to make stronger the distinctive outcome of conscientious research in some of the very sensitive areas of Plant Physiology-Plant Molecular Physiology/ Molecular Biology that broadly highlights the recent developments and mechanisms underlying plant resilience to changing environments. This volume brings collectively much needed twenty-one review articles by fifty-one dedicated contributors for this volume assorted into five relevant sections, viz., Section I: Abiotic Stresses & Plant Productivity: Physiological & Molecular Perspectives; Section II:Plant Trace Elements in Plant Physiology; Section III: Plant Functions Research in Agricultural Progression; Section IV: Physiological Basis of Yield; Section V: Nutraceuticals, Medicinal & Aromatic Plant Wealth. This is commendable that the Volume 17 deals with challenges of ongoing international concern over the abiotic stresses under changing climate besides vital aspects related to image-based plant phenotyping; phenomics and its application in physiological breeding; trace elements; plant functions; physiological basis of yield variation; medicinal and aromatic plants and so on. Apart from fulfilling the acute need of this kind of select edition in different volumes for research teams and scientists engaged in various facets of plant sciences research in traditional and agricultural universities, institutes and research laboratories throughout the world, it would be extremely a constructive book and a voluminous reference material for acquiring advanced knowledge by post-graduate and Ph.D. scholars in response to the innovative courses in Plant Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Botany.

Plant Physiology Buchanan Pdf Download

Plant Physiology Pdf

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