Rivkin And Ryan Literary Theory An Anthology Pdf File

Julie H. Rivkin (born 1952) is an American literary critic and professor of English at Connecticut College since 1982. She is best known for her publications on literary theory and Henry James, and has published several works on both subjects. Rivkin received her B.A. and PhD from Yale University and is currently the Associate Dean of Faculty at Connecticut College, a member of the Modern Language Association, and Vice President of the Henry James Society.[1] Her other specializations include American literature and gender studies[1] (publisher of the Henry James Review).

Lay exposed on a table is quintessentially my perception of literary criticism. That is a fitting image, as the scientist and his patient are on the cover of Literary Theory: An Anthology (Rivkin and Ryan), from which my opinions stem. My perceptions of literary criticism stem from the schizophrenic nature of my conceptions of the field.

False Positions[edit]

In 1996, Rivkin published a book of essays titled False Positions: The Representational Logics of Henry James's Fictions, which explores theoretical complications in Henry James's novels The Ambassadors, The Wings of the Dove, What Maisie Knew, and The Awkward Age.[2]

Literary Theory: An Anthology[edit]


In 1998, Rivkin, co-editing with Michael Ryan, published Literary Theory: An Anthology, a comprehensive guide to contemporary Literary Theory which is used in many undergraduate and graduate courses of Literary Theory and cultural criticism at universities and colleges ranging from Dartmouth College[3] to the University of Tennessee.[4] The large anthology covers topics ranging from Russian Formalism to the post-structuralist work of Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. It has influenced other books on the subject and has been cited in publications by Bruce McComiskey in English Studies[5] as well as Mary Klage's Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed[6] and other publications on literary theory.


  1. ^ ab'Julie Rivkin'. Department of English. Connecticut College. Archived from the original on 2008-11-02.
  2. ^'False positions'. Stanford University Press.
  3. ^Howard, Jennifer (December 16, 2005). 'The Fragmentation of Literary Theory'. The Chronicle. Retrieved December 2008.Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  4. ^Anderson, Misty. 'English 576: The Syllabus'. University of Tennessee.
  5. ^Bruce McComiskey. English Studies. University of California. 2008. P.273
  6. ^Mary Klage. Literary Theory: A guide for the perplexed. Continuum: 2006. p.163

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Book , Print in English
  • Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 1998.
  • xxii, 1130 pages : illustrations; 23 cm.
  • Available
  • Available
Related names
  • Pt. 1. Formalisms
  • 1. Introduction: 'Formalisms' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. 'Introduction to the Formal Method' / Boris Eichenbaum
  • 3. 'Art as Technique' / Viktor Shklovsky
  • 4. 'Thematics' / Boris Tomashevsky
  • 5. Morphology of the Folktale / V. Propp
  • 6. 'Discourse in the Novel' / Mikhail Bakhtin
  • 7. Rabelais and His World / Mikhail Bakhtin
  • 8. 'The Formalist Critics' / Cleanth Brooks
  • 9. 'The Language of Paradox' / Cleanth Brooks
  • Appendix. 'The Canonization' / John Donne
  • Pt. 2. Structuralism and Linguistics
  • 1. Introduction: 'The Linguistic Foundation' / Jonathan Culler
  • 2. Course in General Linguistics / Ferdinand de Saussure
  • 3. 'Two Aspects of Language' / Roman Jakobson
  • 4. How To Do Things With Words / J. L. Austin
  • 5. 'The Structural Study of Myth' / Claude Levi-Strauss
  • Pt. 3. Psychoanalysis
  • 1. Introduction: 'Strangers to Ourselves: Psychoanalysis' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. Interpretation of Dreams / Sigmund Freud
  • 3. 'On Narcissism' / Sigmund Freud
  • 4. 'The Uncanny' / Sigmund Freud
  • 5. Beyond the Pleasure Principle / Sigmund Freud
  • 6. Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego / Sigmund Freud
  • 7. 'The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience' / Jacques Lacan
  • 8. 'The Symbolic Order' (from 'The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis') / Jacques Lacan
  • 9. 'The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason since Freud' / Jacques Lacan
  • 10. Anti-Oedipus / Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
  • 11. 'The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant' / Margaret Mahler
  • 12. 'Two Primary Configurations of Psychopathology' / Sidney J. Blatt and Shula Shichman
  • 13. 'Triangular Desire' / Rene Girard
  • Pt. 4. Marxism
  • 1. Introduction: 'Starting With Zero: Basic Marxism' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. 'Dialectics' (from The Science of Logic) / G. W. F. Hegel
  • 3. Grundrisse / Karl Marx
  • 4. German Ideology / Karl Marx
  • 5. Manifesto of the Communist Party / Karl Marx
  • 6. 'Wage Labor and Capital' / Karl Marx
  • 7. Capital / Karl Marx
  • 8. 'Hegemony' (from 'The Formation of the Intellectuals') / Antonio Gramsci
  • 9. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language / V. N. Volosinov
  • 10. 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' / Walter Benjamin
  • 11. Historical Novel / Georg Lukacs
  • 12. 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses' / Louis Althusser
  • 13. 'Culture, Ideology, Interpellation' / John Fiske
  • 14. Sublime Object of Ideology / Slavoj Zizek
  • 15. 'White Guys Happiest, Study Finds' / Ronald Kotulak
  • 16. 'Nike Told of Worker Abuses in Vietnam Factories' / Verena Dobnik
  • Pt. 5. Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction, and Post-Modernism
  • 1. Introduction: 'The Class of 1968 - Post-Structuralism par lui-meme' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. 'On Truth and Lying in an Extra-Moral Sense' / Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 3. Will to Power / Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 4. Being and Time / Martin Heidegger
  • 5. Identity and Difference / Martin Heidegger
  • 6. 'Heterology' / George Bataille
  • 7. Order of Things / Michel Foucault
  • 8. 'Differance' / Jacques Derrida
  • 9. System of Objects / Jean Baudrillard
  • 10. Archeology of Knowledge / Michel Foucault
  • 11. 'Plato's Pharmacy' / Jacques Derrida
  • 12. Revolution in Poetic Language / Julia Kristeva
  • 13. Discipline and Punish / Michel Foucault
  • 14. Symbolic Exchange and Death / Jean Baudrillard
  • 15. Postmodern Condition / Jean-Francois Lyotard
  • 16. Thousand Plateaus / Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
  • Pt. 6. Feminism
  • 1. Introduction: 'Feminist Paradigms' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. 'The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex' / Gayle Rubin
  • 3. 'On the Politics of Literature' / Judith Fetterley
  • 4. 'The Power of Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine' / Luce Irigaray
  • 5. 'Commodities amongst Themselves' / Luce Irigaray
  • 6. 'Sorties' / Helene Cixous
  • 7. 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' / Laura Mulvey
  • 8. Madwoman in the Attic / Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar
  • 9. 'The Voice of the Shuttle is Ours' / Patricia Klindienst
  • 10. 'Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference' / Audre Lorde
  • 11. 'Notes Toward a Politics of Location' / Adrienne Rich
  • 12. 'Representation, Reproduction, and Women's Place in Language' / Margaret Homans
  • 13. 'Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe; An American Grammar Book' / Hortense Spillers
  • Pt. 7. Gender Studies, Gay/Lesbian Studies, Queer Theory
  • 1. Introduction: 'Contingencies of Gender' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. 'Sexual Transformations' (from 'Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality') / Gayle Rubin
  • 3. History of Sexuality / Michel Foucault
  • 4. Introduction to Guy Hocquengham's Homosexual Desire / Jeffrey Weeks
  • 5. Between Men / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
  • 6. 'The Technology of Gender' / Teresa de Lauretis
  • 7. 'Imitation and Gender Insubordination' / Judith Butler
  • 8. 'Homographesis' / Lee Edelman
  • 9. 'A Small Boy and Others: Sexual Disorientation in Henry James, Kenneth Anger, and David Lynch' / Michael Moon
  • 10. 'F2M: The Making of Female Masculinity' / Judith Halberstam
  • 11. 'Heterosexuality as a Compromise Formation' / Nancy Chodorow
  • Pt. 8. Historicisms
  • 1. Introduction: 'Professing the Renaissance: The Poetics and Politics of Culture' / Louis Montrose
  • 2. 'Invisible Bullets' / Stephen Greenblatt
  • 3. 'Cultural Materialism, Othello, and the Politics of Plausibility' / Alan Sinfield
  • 4. 'Melville, Delany, and New World Slavery' / Eric Sundquist
  • Pt. 9. Ethnic Studies, Post-Coloniality, and International Studies
  • 1. Introduction: 'English Without Shadows, Literature on a World Scale' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. Rule of Darkness / Patrick Brantlinger
  • 3. 'The Souls of Black Folk' / W. E. B. DuBois
  • 4. Orientalism / Edward Said
  • 5. Borderlands / La Frontera / Gloria Anzaldua
  • 6. 'The Blackness of Blackness: A Critique on the Sign and the Signifying Monkey' / Henry Louis Gates
  • 7. 'Playing in the Dark' / Toni Morrison
  • 8. Location of Culture / Homi Bhabha
  • 9. 'Topologies of Nativism' / Anthony Appiah
  • 10. 'Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: An Exercise in Popular Readings' / Rey Chow
  • 11. Black Atlantic / Paul Gilroy
  • 12. Repeating Island / Antonio Benitez-Rojo
  • 13. 'Migratory Subjectivities' / Carole Boyce Davies
  • 14. Small Place / Jamaica Kincaid
  • Pt. 10. Cultural Studies
  • 1. Introduction: 'The Politics of Culture' / Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
  • 2. Distinction / Piere Bourdieu
  • 3. 'The Culture Industry as Mass Deception' / Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno
  • 4. Reading the Romance / Janice Radway
  • 5. 'The Rediscovery of 'Ideology' / Stuart Hall
  • 6. Subculture: The Meaning of Style / Dick Hebdige
  • 7. 'Punk and History' / Malcolm McLaren
  • 8. All-Consuming Images: The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture / Stuart Ewen
  • 9. Television Culture / John Fiske
  • 10. 'Material Girl': The Effacements of Postmodern Culture' / Susan Bordo.
Other information
  • Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • 0631200282 (alk. paper)
  • 0631200290 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Identifying numbers

Rivkin And Ryan Literary Theory An Anthology Pdf File Size

  • LCCN: 97020348
  • OCLC: 36900907